Whether you like it or not, the recent astronomical growth of social media has not only blurred the lines between private and public, it has inadvertently opened up whole new avenues of advertising for companies small and large.
It used to be that your sister would buy a pair of shoes and you would love them and compliment her on her find. Now she can post a picture of those shoes on her Facebook page (where she will be encouraged to tell where she bought them) and all her friends will see them. If they ‘like’ them, all their friends will see them too. If your sister were motivated enough to make a little amusing Vine or Instagram to post as well, the potential for the ‘likes’ to mount to at least the hundreds is quite within the realms of possibility. And, because the recommendation comes from a friend, or a friend of a friend, it is far more believable and powerful than any ad in a magazine. Welcome instant, ‘free’ advertising!
You can further ensure your brand visibility by creating your own company Facebook page, Twitter account and YouTube channel (if you have videos to share). Once established though, you must keep them up to date. Find useful articles or feature sales, offer promotions or tickets to events and you can increase your membership while consistently linking back to your site – integrating the content of both and escalating visibility.
You don’t have the time, energy, or confidence? Get in touch – I can help!